Dental Bridges

 In Restorative Dental Treatments

A dental bridge is what you would need in the event that you have missed a tooth, this could assist you in retrieving the appearance and functionality of your missing tooth, no more gap would be in the missing tooth area; thus consult your dentist to determine if it is suitable for your case.


Definition of dental bridges

Gap bridging for one or more of your missing teeth by installing “falsified” teeth. I tis usually composed of crowns on a side of missing tooth or teeth the falsified teeth is supported with and installed in place.

For whom are dental bridges?

Of course, if you have missed a tooth you would need a dental bridge. Missing a tooth could result from teeth deterioration, gum disease and various injuries. Sometimes a new borne baby could lack a tooth due to inherited case

Rationale for dental bridges?

Teeth work altogether and if you miss a tooth, teeth may move towards the black space. The teeth in the other side of jaw may also move in the direction of the space.  This may result in:

  • Bite Difficulties
  • Problems related to chewing
  • Suffering from pains due to the increasing pressure applied on teeth and jaw.
  • Decrease of confidence or concern about your appearance once you smile.

Appearance of Dental bridges:

A usual dental bridge has:

  • Support teeth: a dental professional on any side of the gap installs 2 crowns on the teeth. These supporting teeth can be the natural teeth or a dental implant.
  • Pontiacs: A falsified one tooth or more to “fill” the gap, which would be attached to the crowns.

Available Types of dental bridges

  • Fixed bridge (Traditional): Being the most common, It is composed of two or more crowns plus a filler tooth or more connected with each other. The crowns ensure the bridge is constant in its place. They are usually made of ceramics porcelain bonded to metal, or metal.


  • Beam Bridge: Where the poetic attaches to only one support tooth. Which could be an option for people who have teeth on only one side of the gap.
  • Resin-bonded bridge (Maryland dental bridge): If you have, missing front teeth you might get this sort of bridge, which is made of porcelain bonded to metal or ceramic teeth, and reinforced by a framework. On each side of the bridge, there are wings that bond to your existing teeth.


  • A bridge that is supported by Implant Like a “traditional fixed bridge” but instead of cementing it in place to teeth, it is fixed by implants.

Dental bridge Alternatives:

If you prefer you can select to install a partial dentures (detachable falsified teeth), they can be got out and cleaned or sometimes you might be eligible for dental implants (to be surgically installed in the jaw). Consult your dentist first to direct you to the best option for your particular case.

I am I in need for Dental Implants:

In certain cases, a dentist may suggest that you get a dental implant as an alternative to a bridge, then a dental lab depends on a model of your mouth to create new teeth.

A surgeon installs the implant in the patient’s jaw. After a period, the implants completes its integration into your jawbone and connects to the new teeth. A positive effect of an implant is that they do not require support from the remaining teeth.

Are dental bridges common?

Dentists used these dental bridges for long years. Thus, bridges are a famous solution to compensate the missing teeth.

Pros and Cons


  • Get a better bite.
  • Protect the remainder of teeth set from being moved out of its original place.
  • Retrieve your speaking and chewing ability..
  • Bring back your smile.


Dental bridges have any risks or complications. If you maintain your bridge in the right way, you would keep them without side effects. However, a bridge may be subjected to fail if its “neighboring” teeth deteriorate or if the cement decay. If you face a situation where your bridge is loosening, then it can be re-attached providing that the base tooth was intact.

Retrieval and Outlook

How much durable are dental bridges?

The expected validity period of Dental bridges is from 5~7 years. However, if you maintain well your mouth hygiene with organized schedule for cleaning your teeth in a professional way, a bridge would live more than a decade.

Can a dental bridge render eating difficult?

On the contrary, of what is thought, installing a bridge makes your eating easier. However, until you get familiar with it you may prefer to eat soft foods in tiny pieces

Is there any effect of a dental bridge on how I speak?

When you lose a front tooth it can affect how you speak, the dental bridge professionally installed to fill that gap would enhance how you speak.

How to maintain your dental bridge?

The wellbeing of the remaining teeth would determine the future of your dental bridge. Thus, it is significant to avoid teeth deterioration and gum disease leading to loss in your teeth.  To maintain your gum and teeth:

  • Brushing two times daily and floss every day: your dentist would guide you how to brush and floss correctly.
  • Have your teeth professionally cleaned on a regular basis: Visit your dentist regularly to check and prevent issues from occurrence timely when you really can do something.
  • Make your meals balanced: Include many vegetables, fruits and items with fiber and seek avoiding chewy foods such as some types of meat.

When should I phone my dentist?

If you notice a change in your bite or chewing in away accompanied with discomfort pain, or if you noticed soreness, bulge or a bleeding surrounding your bridge then you need to consult your dentist.

Finally, if you lack a tooth your talking smiling and appearance would be affected. Dental bridges would help you in retrieving the appearance and functionality of your mouth. Its expiration date cannot come before several years but beware you should keep your oral hygiene practiced and check your teeth at the dental clinic regularly for cleaning.

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